20+ 'Sesame Street' Facts That People Would Never Expect

Sesame Street creators aimed to "master the addictive qualities of television and do something good with them," a goal it has accomplished in spades. But even for fans who have seen thousands of episodes, there remain many behind-the-scenes facts that are rarely shared. From the secret lives of characters to the unexpected identities of their puppeteers, the secrets of Sesame Street are almost too many to "Count."

Count Again

Speaking of counting, when you think about the work Sesame Street did for vampire awareness, Count von Count is a character that cannot be forgotten. But most people don't know that the character has a cruel past that was even written into his lines! Among other offenses, he was adept at hypnotizing and stunning other innocents!

Bert and Ernie

We feel like the exact nature of Bert and Ernie's relationship has been discussed for years, and sometimes without even a mention of Sesame Street! Once and for all, this duo is not in love. “All that stuff about me and Bert? It’s not true. We’re both very happy, but we’re not gay," said Ernie's performer Steve Whitmire.

Cookie Alias

Cookie Monster is one of those characters whose legacy outlived the show itself, but most people don't know that it was a legacy built on lies! Well, just one lie: his real name is actually Sid! It was revealed in a 2004 episode that everything changed after he became obsessed with cookies. 

Star Wars Street

What happens when one successful franchise collides with another on air? Well, in 1980, at the height of Star Wars fever, C-3PO and R2-D2 paid the set a visit. They had a blast by playing games, singing songs, and, for just R2-D2, getting romantic with a fire hydrant!